Saturday, June 13, 2015

More "Trouble in Candy-Land"

And one of my all time favorite players at moonstone is a beaten down old socialist named Sven Wantsom and Sven thinks he is Che Guevara's cousin or something and he is deceptively intelligent and he is a lanky lurchy type of Scandinavian guy and he espouses platitudes of racial equality and he regales against white people and their privileged attitudes and I believe that how Sven makes his money now is by beeing a slum landlord or something like that somewhere near Detroit and Sven would be a bigger player at Moon Stone except he only lives here in the warm weather and he spends most of his time living the high life in Mexico where as he says, "life is cheap." 

And once again, as in the past with my relationships here at moonstone with the people there-in, I made an effort to get to know Sven in the our collective past together because Sven was a neighbor and I like neighbors for the most part or at least I did until I moved into the orthodox section of candy-land you know my neighborhood and I did make an attempt to bee friendly with Sven and overlook Sven's bombastic self-centered socialist ways that just start to flatter Sven when he talks above the noise of the crowd and I even told him straight up that he would get to heaven easier because he grew these vibrant and lustful yellow hollyhocks just down the street from me and I was in love with the yellow hollyhocks and I told Sven every time I saw him that he was a chosen one of the gods because of these Yellow Hollyhocks but I guess Sven wasn't listening because when he caught wind of the Woodcocks wanting to build out a bedroom at #17 Sven sent the most eviscerating emails a person could ever imagine, all the way from his Mexican hacienda, about the Woodcocks and how we were such lousy neighbors and we didn't deserve to have our architectural review passed because J.P. himself was a rotten person who didn't mind speaking his mind about the reality around him and therefore Sven wanted the Woodcocks punished for being such lousy people and really why doesn't Candy-Land just make the Woodcocks suffer for being so lousy. 

And this made Mrs. Woodcock so angry that I was worried that she would roast Mr. Wantsom if she had the opportunity and I talked her down by saying that we should just feel sorry for someone who is such a nut job as Mr. Wantsom but when Sven sent a second email out to the community about what a lousy person J.P. Woodcock was and then I J.P. Woodcock my-self wanted to tell Mr. Wantsom to do the nasty to himself and preferably far away from #17 and tell me Sven how soon is it that you leave for Mexico again. 

And once, in the past, Sven Wantsom did open up to me and he told me a detailed and elaborate story about how, in his youth, his high school shop teacher grabbed his weeny and this bothered Sven very much and Sven still thinks about this event even today and I can't wait now until I get the chance to tell Sven that he should have this weeny pulling event by his teacher checked out by an emotional therapist because really something is truly messing up his head and probably his weeny as well.  And I'll feel a whole lot better after that.

And what bothered me the most about Sven's emails was not the bitterness that I was on the receiving end of but what bothered me the most, upon reflection of the matter, was that the local co-ho clubbers who are so skilled now after they have all taken the same old class on non-violent and non-racisit communication a hundred times and after all of this wonderful awareness that the co-ho's seem to put themselves through year after year and after all of this awareness that these co-housers have stroven for not one person from the club bothered to say I do apologize for Sven's email and you know you just have take what Sven says with a grain of salt or something like that and that would be nice you know and the clubbers could show some appreciation for what the Woodcocks are going through there in #17 .  And You know something as simple as, let's see hmmmm, you know you aren't all alone here Mr. & Mrs. Woodcock and it's ok to be you and I hope you know the rest of us like you and I guess since not one of the clubbers bothered to say anything about these eviscerating emails sent from Sven Wantsom to the Woodcocks And it makes me ponder that maybe yes this proves that the Woodcocks are alone with the clubbers and it doesn't feel very good to bee all alone with the co-ho clubbers all by yourself you know. 

And just a few days ago a stray cat found it's way onto the Moon Stone property and there must have been twelve or fifth teen very important emails going back and forth among the co-ho club members and they all sounded very invested in that stray cat getting his best interests served here at Moon Stone and this caused me to stop and compare our situation with the stray cat's situation early one morning while driving into work and I was thinking that yes that stray cat seems far more important to the co-ho clubbers than their neighbors the Woodcocks living in #17 and the clubbers didn't seem to care about what the Woodcocks just went through with at the wicked hands of the super-hero king and the evil queen and it seems that the evil queen took her vacations with Sven Wantsom and maybe the evil queen egged on Sven and got his weeny excited and he felt empowered to blast J.P. Woodcock in 17.

AND I thought about this stray cat situation some more and I took comfort and humor in that the cat wherewithal was al lot more important to the co-housing clubbers than the Woodcocks and their suffering and it let me know very clearly that I am not like the co-ho clubbers at all and for the most part we are not aligned on any subject except for the fact that all of the co-ho's are, for the most part, a very quiet people out-doors and they hardly ever come out-side and the Woodcocks are always out-side, weather permitting of course, and this makes beeing out-side for the Woodcocks at Moon Stone very much more pleasurable indeed. 

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